SeqAn3  3.0.3
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
Deprecated List
File all.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; The contained functionality has been replaced by the seqan3::align_cfg::band_fixed_size configuration.
File all.hpp
This header will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0. Please use seqan3/utility/simd/all.hpp instead.
File all.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/utility/parallel/all.hpp> instead.
File all.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/utility/char_operations/all.hpp> instead.
File all.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/io/sam_file/all.hpp> instead.
File all.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0;. Please #include <seqan3/utility/type_list/all.hpp> and <seqan3/utility/type_pack/all.hpp> instead.
File all.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1. Please #include <seqan3/utility/type_traits/all.hpp> instead.
File basic.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1. Please #include <seqan3/utility/type_traits/basic.hpp> instead.
Class bi_fm_index_cursor_specialisation
Use seqan3::detail::template_specialisation_of<t, seqan3::bi_fm_index_cursor> instead.
Class bi_fm_index_specialisation
Use seqan3::detail::template_specialisation_of<typename t::cursor_type, seqan3::bi_fm_index_cursor> instead.
File bit_manipulation.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/utility/detail/bit_manipulation.hpp> instead.
File bound.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; The contained functionality has been replaced by the seqan3::align_cfg::band_fixed_size configuration.
File builtin_simd.hpp
This header will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0. Please use seqan3/utility/simd/detail/builtin_simd.hpp instead.
File builtin_simd_intrinsics.hpp
This header will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0. Please use seqan3/utility/simd/detail/builtin_simd_intrinsics.hpp instead.
File chunk.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1. Please use seqan3/utility/views/chunk.hpp instead.
File cigar_op.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/alphabet/cigar/cigar.hpp> instead.
File common_tuple.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/core/tuple/common_tuple.hpp> instead.
File concept.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/core/configuration/detail/concept.hpp> instead.
File concept.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1. Please #include <seqan3/utility/type_traits/concept.hpp> instead.
File concept.hpp
This header will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0. Please use seqan3/utility/simd/concept.hpp instead.
File configuration.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/core/configuration/configuration.hpp> instead.
File configuration_element_debug_mode.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/core/configuration/detail/configuration_element_debug_mode.hpp> instead.
File configuration_element_parallel_mode.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/core/configuration/detail/configuration_element_parallel_mode.hpp> instead.
File configuration_utility.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/core/configuration/detail/configuration_utility.hpp> instead.
File convert.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1. Please use seqan3/utility/views/convert.hpp instead.
File core_language.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/utility/detail/exposition_only_concept.hpp> instead.
File debug_stream_simd.hpp
This header will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0. Please use seqan3/utility/simd/detail/debug_stream_simd.hpp instead.
File default_simd_backend.hpp
This header will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0. Please use seqan3/utility/simd/detail/default_simd_backend.hpp instead.
File default_simd_length.hpp
This header will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0. Please use seqan3/utility/simd/detail/default_simd_length.hpp instead.
File deferred_crtp_base.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1. Please #include <seqan3/core/detail/deferred_crtp_base.hpp> instead.
File detail.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/io/sam_file/detail/cigar.hpp> instead.
File endian.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0;. Please use std::endian and #include <seqan3/std/bit> instead.
Class fm_index_cursor_specialisation
Use seqan3::detail::template_specialisation_of<t, seqan3::fm_index_cursor> instead.
Class fm_index_specialisation
Use seqan3::detail::template_specialisation_of<typename t::cursor_type, seqan3::fm_index_cursor> instead.
File format_bam.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/io/sam_file/format_bam.hpp> instead.
File format_sam.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/io/sam_file/format_sam.hpp> instead.
File format_sam_base.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/io/sam_file/detail/format_sam_base.hpp> instead.
File function.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1. Please #include <seqan3/utility/type_traits/function_traits.hpp> or <seqan3/utility/detail/multi_invocable.hpp> instead.
File header.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/io/sam_file/header.hpp> instead.
File input.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/io/sam_file/input.hpp> instead.
File input_format_concept.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/io/sam_file/input_format_concept.hpp> instead.
File input_options.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/io/sam_file/input_options.hpp> instead.
File int_types.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0;. Please #include <seqan3/utility/detail/integer_traits.hpp> instead.
File iterator.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1. Please #include <seqan3/core/detail/iterator_traits.hpp> instead.
File latch.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/utility/parallel/detail/latch.hpp> instead.
File lazy.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1. Please #include <seqan3/utility/type_traits/lazy_conditional.hpp> or <seqan3/core/detail/is_class_template_declarable.hpp> instead.
File math.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1. Please use seqan3/utility/math.hpp instead.
File misc.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/io/sam_file/sam_flag.hpp> instead.
File output.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/io/sam_file/output.hpp> instead.
File output_format_concept.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/io/sam_file/output_format_concept.hpp> instead.
File output_options.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/io/sam_file/output_options.hpp> instead.
File pack.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1. Please use seqan3::pack_traits::contains in <seqan3/core/type_list/traits.hpp> instead.
File phred68legacy.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/alphabet/quality/phred68solexa.hpp> instead.
File pod_tuple.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/utility/tuple/pod_tuple.hpp> instead.
File pre.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1. Please #include <seqan3/utility/type_traits/pre.hpp> instead.
File predicate.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/utility/char_operations/predicate.hpp> instead.
File predicate_detail.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/utility/char_operations/predicate_detail.hpp> instead.
File pretty_print.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/utility/char_operations/pretty_print.hpp> instead.
File range.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1. Please #include <seqan3/core/range/type_traits.hpp> instead.
Class range_compatible
This concept is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.
File reader_writer_manager.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/utility/parallel/detail/reader_writer_manager.hpp> instead.
File sam_dna16.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include seqan3/alphabet/nucleotide/dna16sam.hpp instead.
File sam_tag_dictionary.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/io/sam_file/sam_tag_dictionary.hpp> instead.
Member seqan3::ADVANCED
Use seqan3::option_spec::advanced instead.
Class seqan3::alignment_file_header< ref_ids_type >
Use seqan3::sam_file_header instead.
Class seqan3::alignment_file_input< traits_type_, selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_ >
Use seqan3::sam_file_input instead.
Member seqan3::alignment_file_input_default_traits
Use seqan3::sam_file_input_default_traits instead.
Member seqan3::alignment_file_input_format
Use seqan3::sam_file_input_format instead.
Member seqan3::alignment_file_input_options
Use seqan3::sam_file_input_options instead.
Class seqan3::alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_, ref_ids_type >
Use seqan3::sam_file_output instead.
Member seqan3::alignment_file_output_format
Use seqan3::sam_file_output_format instead.
Member seqan3::alignment_file_output_options
Use seqan3::sam_file_output_options instead.
Member seqan3::argument_parser::argument_parser (std::string const app_name, int const argc, char const *const *const argv, bool version_updates, std::vector< std::string > subcommands={})
Please use seqan3::update_notifications::on or seqan3::update_notifications::off for version_updates.
Member seqan3::CANONICAL
Use seqan3::genetic_code::canonical instead.
Member seqan3::cigar_op
Please use seqan3::cigar::operation instead.
Member seqan3::concatenated_sequences< inner_type, data_delimiters_type >::data () const
Use raw_data() instead.
Member seqan3::concatenated_sequences< inner_type, data_delimiters_type >::data ()
Use raw_data() instead.
Class seqan3::const_reference< t >
If t models std::ranges::range use std::ranges::range_reference_t<t const> instead or if t models std::input_iterator use std::iter_reference_t<t const> instead.
Member seqan3::const_reference_t
If t models std::ranges::range use std::ranges::range_reference_t<t const> instead or if t models std::input_iterator use std::iter_reference_t<t const> instead.
Member seqan3::DEFAULT
Use seqan3::option_spec::standard instead.
Class seqan3::difference_type< t >
If t models std::ranges::range use std::ranges::range_difference_t instead or if t models std::input_iterator use std::iter_difference_t instead.
Member seqan3::difference_type_t
If t models std::ranges::range use std::ranges::range_difference_t instead or if t models std::input_iterator use std::iter_difference_t instead.
Class seqan3::gap_open_score< score_type >
This type is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn3.1.
Class seqan3::gap_scheme< score_t >
This type is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn3.1.
Class seqan3::gap_score< score_type >
This type is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn3.1.
Member seqan3::HIDDEN
Use seqan3::option_spec::hidden instead.
Member seqan3::is_in_alphabet
Use seqan3::char_is_valid_for instead.
Member seqan3::operator "_cigar_op" (char const c) noexcept
Please use seqan3::""_cigar_operation instead.
Member seqan3::output_file_validator< file_t >::output_file_validator (std::vector< std::string > extensions)
use seqan3::output_file_validator::output_file_validator(mode, extensions)
Class seqan3::overflow_error_on_conversion
Use seqan3::user_input_error instead.
Class seqan3::parser_design_error
Use seqan3::design_error instead.
Class seqan3::parser_invalid_argument
Use seqan3::argument_parser_error instead.
Member seqan3::phred68legacy
Please use seqan3::phred68solexa instead.
Class seqan3::reference< t >
If t models std::ranges::range use std::ranges::range_reference_t instead or if t models std::input_iterator use std::iter_reference_t instead.
Member seqan3::reference_t
If t models std::ranges::range use std::ranges::range_reference_t instead or if t models std::input_iterator use std::iter_reference_t instead.
Member seqan3::REQUIRED
Use seqan3::option_spec::required instead.
Class seqan3::rvalue_reference< t >
If t models std::ranges::range use std::ranges::range_rvalue_reference_t instead or if t models std::input_iterator use std::iter_rvalue_reference_t instead.
Member seqan3::rvalue_reference_t
If t models std::ranges::range use std::ranges::range_rvalue_reference_t instead or if t models std::input_iterator use std::iter_rvalue_reference_t instead.
Member seqan3::sam_dna16
Please use seqan3::dna16sam instead.
Member seqan3::sequence_file_input< traits_type_, selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_ >::sequence_quality_type
This type will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0. Use sequence_type and quality_type instead.
Class seqan3::size_type< t >
If t models std::ranges::range use std::ranges::range_size_t instead. If t models std::input_iterator there is no alternative. Unlike std::ranges::range_size_t, the Standard has no std::iter_size_t.
Member seqan3::size_type_t
If t models std::ranges::range use std::ranges::size_type_t instead. If t models std::input_iterator there is no alternative. Unlike std::ranges::range_size_t, the Standard has no std::iter_size_t.
Class seqan3::static_band
use seqan3::align_cfg::band_fixed_size instead.
Member seqan3::translate_triplet (rng_t &&input_range)
Use seqan3::translate_triplet(nucl_type const & n1, nucl_type const & n2, nucl_type const & n3) instead.
Member seqan3::translate_triplet (range_type &&input_range)
Use seqan3::translate_triplet(nucl_type const & n1, nucl_type const & n2, nucl_type const & n3) instead.
Member seqan3::translate_triplet (tuple_type const &input_tuple) noexcept
Use seqan3::translate_triplet(nucl_type const & n1, nucl_type const & n2, nucl_type const & n3) instead.
Class seqan3::type_conversion_failed
Use seqan3::user_input_error instead.
Class seqan3::validation_failed
Use seqan3::validation_error instead.
Class seqan3::value_type< t >
If t models std::ranges::range use std::ranges::range_value_t instead or if t models std::input_iterator use std::iter_value_t instead.
Member seqan3::value_type_t
If t models std::ranges::range use std::ranges::range_value_t instead or if t models std::input_iterator use std::iter_value_t instead.
File simd_algorithm.hpp
This header will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0. Please use seqan3/utility/simd/simd_algorithm.hpp instead.
File simd_algorithm_avx2.hpp
This header will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0. Please use seqan3/utility/simd/detail/simd_algorithm_avx2.hpp instead.
File simd_algorithm_avx512.hpp
This header will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0. Please use seqan3/utility/simd/detail/simd_algorithm_avx512.hpp instead.
File simd_algorithm_sse4.hpp
This header will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0. Please use seqan3/utility/simd/detail/simd_algorithm_sse4.hpp instead.
File template_inspection.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1. Please #include <seqan3/core/detail/template_inspection.hpp> instead.
File transformation_trait_or.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1. Please #include <seqan3/utility/type_traits/detail/transformation_trait_or.hpp> instead.
File tuple_utility.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/utility/tuple_utility.hpp> instead.
File type_inspection.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0;. Please #include <seqan3/utility/detail/type_name_as_string.hpp> instead.
File view_iota_simd.hpp
This header will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0. Please use seqan3/utility/simd/views/iota_simd.hpp instead.
File view_to_simd.hpp
This header will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0. Please use seqan3/utility/simd/views/to_simd.hpp instead.
Please use SEQAN3_CPO_OVERLOAD to define seqan3::detail::customisation_point_object instead.
File simd.hpp
This header will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0. Please use seqan3/utility/simd/simd.hpp instead.
File simd_traits.hpp
This header will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0. Please use seqan3/utility/simd/simd_traits.hpp instead.
File spin_delay.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/utility/parallel/detail/spin_delay.hpp> instead.
File static_band.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1.0; The contained functionality has been replaced by the seqan3::align_cfg::band_fixed_size configuration.
File to_string.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0;. Please #include <seqan3/core/debug_stream/detail/to_string.hpp> instead.
File traits.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0;. Please #include <seqan3/utility/type_list/traits.hpp> and <seqan3/utility/type_pack/traits.hpp> instead.
File transform.hpp
This header is deprecated and will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0; Please #include <seqan3/utility/char_operations/transform.hpp> instead.
File tuple.hpp
This header will be removed in SeqAn-3.1.0. Please use seqan3/utility/tuple/concept.hpp instead.
File type_list.hpp
This header will be removed in 3.1. Please use seqan3/utility/type_list/type_list.hpp instead.